Friday, November 15, 2019

Thoughts on Divorce and Amputation

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about my friends who are married, those who are divorced, and those who are considering divorce. And thanks to my husband’s  more relaxed temperament, my own thoughts and feelings are starting to become less rigid also.

My question is, how’s divorce like cutting off your own hand? Well, neither is ever okay - right? God says we are all fearfully and wonderfully made, with no reason to engage in self-harm. Then why did Jesus  tell us that we should cut off her own hand sometimes to avoid being consumed with sin? And isn’t amputation sometimes medically necessary to  avoid being consumed with germs? So there are definitely good reasons to cut off your hand! Jesus and science agree on this, just as they do on everything else (since God created science, after all).

But what about divorce? Let me say first of all, and unequivocally, that I will never divorce my husband for any reason. God hates divorce as much as He hates it when His creatures commit suicide or other forms of self harm. Plus, I know my husband and I know that he’ll never EVER give me a reason to need to get away from him! He’s the most wonderful person I know! ❤️ There are a couple of hypothetical reasons that would lead me to divorce him though - purely hypothetical since Christopher’s just not that kind of guy and since I know without a shadow of a doubt that these kinds of things would never happen.

#1 - I would have to divorce him if I discovered that he was physically or sexually abusing someone. But he would never do anything like that! He’s far too good hearted. ❤️

#2 - I would have to divorce him if he repeatedly cheated on me. One affair? I could forgive and heal from that. But a pattern of affairs? Yes, I would still love him and forgive him; but how well could I heal from that? Only to have my heart crushed  again and again in the future, with no end in sight? My main focus in life would be always trying to do a little more to earn his love and loyalty. My self-esteem would be wrecked, my confidence would be on the floor, and even my sanity would become dangerously questionable. I doubt I’d be much of a blessing to anyone until after leaving him to protect my own heart; but even after leaving, I think it’d take considerable time for me to heal from all that. At the same time, I’m sure I’d still always care deeply about him - just from the safety of a little emotional distance....

But - hallelujah, thank You, Jesus! Cause my beloved - my sweetheart - my Christopher? He’s not the kind of person to ever cheat on me either. So I can boldly, proudly, joyfully say -
I am my forever my beloved’s!
And he’s forever mine!
The two of us are beautifully attached ... FOREVER!!! 🥰

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